Vereinbarung zwischen den Flüchtlingen in der Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule in Kreuzberg vetreten durch

und dem Bezirkamt Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg vetreten durch den Stadtrat Franz Panhoff


Stadträtin Jana Borkamp


Beide Seiten einigen sich grundsätzlich auf die 10 Punkte des Vorschlages der Flüchtlinge vom 1. Juli 2014 für die Nutzung der G.H.-Schule durch die Flüchtlinge. Einzelheiten werden später geregelt.


Die Flüchtlinge wohnen künftig nur im 3. Stock der Schule. Sie werden die Feuerfluchtwege der Schule frei machen. Einer oder zwei Vertrauenspersonen des Bezirksamtes betreten dann das Haus und überzeigen sich, dass die Zugänge frei sind.


Die Schule wird renoviert.

Ab Donnerstag den 3. Juli 2014 beginnen in den unteren Etagen der Schule Entrümpelungs- und Bauarbeiten. Zunächst werden die Fenster im Parterre mit Platten gesichert. Für den weiteren Zugang der Flüchtlinge, die derzeit in der Schule sind, werden ihnen neue Ausweise ausgestellt, die sie berechtigen die Schule zu verlassen und wieder zu betreten.


Die Kontrolle am Eingang wird zunächst durch Personal eines Sicherheitsdienstes gesichert.

Das – soweit notwendig zur Vermeidung des Zuzuges Dritter – von Polizeibeamten unterstützt werden kann.

– There has been constant control by security since!


Der Bezirk erklärt, keine Anträge für eine strafrechtliche und gerichtliche Verfolgung der Flüchtlinge wegen ihres Aufenthaltes in der Schule zu stellen.  




Anlage 10 Punkte Plan:


Refugee School 1.7. 2014, Berlin




  1. We will go on with our protest on the roof and 3rd floor of the school building.

Therefore, we want a list of people (handed later) to be able to go in and out freely during the construction.

– The current demand that the people living in the school leave the school directly contradicts this.


  1. This implies that the people living here will get a legalization of the occupation with a “polizeiliche Anmeldung”.

– The people living in the school have not been registered officially.


  1. We will choose together which projects will be allowed entering the school.

– The people living in the school developed a concept for the International Refugee Center and which projects should be part of it. The district totally ignores this concept and wants to realize their own concept and make the school a “lager”.


  1. We will occupy the roof until all the refugees get a residence permit.

– Again the current demand that the people leave the school contradicts this.

  1. We require a written guarantee that we will not be evicted from this house until our demands are fulfilled.

– Although we did not get another written guarantee the district agreed to this point (see below).The current demand that the refugees leave the school contradicts this.

  1. The district is allowed to proceed the construction under the condition that the police will not use it to evict us.

– The district now wants to evict us with police to proceed the construction and is thus violating this point.




  1. All the files of the refugees of the school will be transferred to Berlin.

– None of the files have been transferred to Berlin, because Berlin refused to accept the cases, even though most if not all of the responsible foreigner’s offices in the responsible states (Bundesland) agreed to transfer them.


The district will offer support in this concern.

– The district did not offer any support in this concern


  1. We will go on our negotiations with the Senate and the district. The district will offer support in the concern to negotiate with the Senate.

– The Senate as well as the district refused to continue the negotiations with the refugees in the school. Giving orders is not negotiating.


  1. The people staying here will get the same conditions as the ones who left:

– Actually, this is true because everyone part of the so-called agreement does not get anything and is being kicked out bit by bit on the streets….

Money for accomodation, food, and all other things.The people will get social benefits according AsylbLG including health insurance according to AsylbLG. Cash money will either be paid by Landesamt Gesundheit und Soziales or the district. The district will ensure that the money will be paid by LaGeSo or the district.

– Money has been payed only once in the first month. Afterwards, the refugees in the school did not receive any social benefits. They did also not get any health insurance.

The district will compensate the costs of the house (garbage, electricity etc.).





  1. Living rooms:

The people can stay and live in the south wing 1st floor, 2nd floor, 3rd floor. They also will live in the 2nd floor (under the aula). They will use the aula. Project rooms will be apart. The whole pavillion will be used for project rooms.

– The current demand that the people leave the school contradicts this.



1st and 2nd floor south wing and showers (til the next weekend)

– the only part of the agreement that the Bezirk has honoured.