Oury Jalloh




The Public Prosecution Office of Dessau is going to perform on
re-enactment of the fire of January 7th, 2005 in Saxony:

Date: August 18th 2016
Place: Institute of Fire – and extinguishing research,
Altenberger Straße 64,
01744 Dippoldiswalde, OT Schmiedeberg
Time: 11 am

… together with invited press media.

Google Maps Oury Jalloh family – his father and brother – do not want the re-enactment to take place with public media coverage like a showcase of a prosecution did Prevented justice from being served for so many years prosecution is hiding from the incidental attorneys and fooling the public by denying mainstream answers to the most central evidence of the case: There was no lighter at hand in police cell No 5 at the time of the Initiative in Remembrance of Oury Jalloh is calling into the Black and Refugee and Migrants communities to join in German-wide vigils as to show critical attention to the manipulation of public opinion and pervertion of justice! Organize local vigils as from 11 am in public places and spaces as to power up our demand did justice needs to be served – not only in the case of Oury Jalloh but all victims of German Europe’s warfare, degradation and police brutality of state!

The Initiative in Memory of Oury Jalloh enters the media campaign of the Procuratorate Dessau with the “New” “open-ended” “transparency” “offensive” resolutely counter!

Oury Jalloh had no Feurzeug in cell no. Video “WRONG QUESTIONS – NO ANSWERS”  Dessauer prosecutor manipulated public and experts * * * The Dessauer prosecutor leads the public with false information to the nose around. So the Chief says chief prosecutor Folker Bittman in an interview with the television magazine / MONITOR / of 15 October 2015 that it no initial suspicion of giving third party involvement. [1] <#_ ftn1> Bittman silent while the Chief Prosecutor now retired located aware Christian Preissner a separate already on 30 October 2013 death investigation for murder against persons unknown in the case of Oury had initiated Jalloh. occasion to was because the attorney general a concrete reference to a possible suspect had entered and this to was forwarded prosecutor Dessau. Preissner applied then a house search at the whistleblower – the possible suspects, however, was not even heard. The results of the fire tests of Irish experts Maksim Smirnou forced Dessauer prosecutor for further investigation steps. With the aim of educating the fire and cause of death Preissner commissioned already involved medical expert Prof. Dr. Gerold Kauert (toxicology) and Prof. Dr. Michael Bohnert (Forensic Medicine) with a common Vorgutachten to possible fire and causes of death among considering the results of Smirnou. Smirnou had impressively demonstrated that a fire screen, as on 7 January 2005 in the cell was found 5 that is reachable only by means of accelerants is. Kauert and Bohnert started on 02.24.2015 a “Forensic toxicology report” in which four possible scenarios were developed, three of which the use of contained accelerants. Here Kauert and surprised Bohnert with a remarkably constructed variant, which they judge ultimately be the most likely, since the mere inflammation of PU mattress core in evaluating the results of the present insufficient combustion experiments to explain the found Brand image: After the mattress is only by Oury Jalloh himself or a third hand been fired, after which the Oury Jalloh due to a passed over the flame inhaled heat shock. * Only then would it doused third with accelerants and ignited. * [2] * <#_ FTN2> * Kauert and Bohnert rain an interdisciplinary approach to the formation of a “round table” of all parties legally involved for more research by fire experts. On June 16, 2015 Preissner commissioned then the Swiss fire expert Dr. Kurt Zollinger with considerations to further investigation steps and potential fire tests. The previously active in this investigation Attorney Olaf Braun was given the leadership of the case in October, 2015. Following the press conference initiative in Memory of Oury Jalloh on 27 October 2015, Berlin argued Brown, on demand of journalists that at the scene, the evidence objects and the body of residues of accelerants were found Oury Jalloh had, besides, but kept silent deliberately significant omissions in the examination process . As a “” of the investigation knows the Dessauer prosecutor that * not on 7.1.2005 at the scene in the cell 5 searched for accelerants *. It was * not fire expert * called to the scene, which is normally usual is. The crime scene investigation led officers from the State Criminal Police Office Saxony-Anhalt. These asservierten only part of the fire debris in total only 4 fire debris bags. Only three days later they gave then * only two of these bags to the laboratory for analysis of residues of accelerants *. The remaining fire debris, which was still in the cell, was shortly afterwards swept by the caretaker of the police station and, together with the discarded right handcuff in the dustbin. “As the investigations have been completed, I went down with my superiors, * after a week about *, and have cleaned up what was there left. There were still remnants of the inner life of the mattress and the outer skin, which was lying on the cot. These were small residues, not even a bucket full. Den I have only once set aside, then came the news that can away. “[3] <#_ ftn3> The mandated by the Initiative in Memory of Oury Jalloh London Fire experts Iain Peck has in its opinion of 15 June 2015 highlighted that the studies on volatile accelerant on corpse can not be utilized, as these only three months later as part of a second, of the initiative in Memory of made given Oury Jalloh in order morgue, but the viscera not packaged in accordance with sealed containers, but had been transported only in green plastic bags. it should be expressly noted that the prosecutor himself never such a fact-finding mission to the coroner’s office has granted Halle for the first section. also, from the opinion of chemical experts Ryll, which of the remaining evidence objects to statement prosecutor in March had investigated in 2014 for residues of accelerants, can , according to Peck, no conclusions can be drawn: * “** All flammable liquids are more or less volatile, and the residues of such liquids can volatilization loss. […] Such inflammable residues I would at the numerous analyzes and openings [of fire debris bags] after nine no longer wait years. For this reason, from any conclusions investigations [of Experts Ryll] be drawn as to whether 5-flammable in the detention cell fluids have been used to fire acceleration or not “. Iain Peck concludes:” Although no flammable liquids were detected, the absence of proof no evidence of absence. “* [4] <#_ ftn4> Based on this false information the prosecution succumbing both the mandated fire experts Zollinger, as well as the general public the mistaken belief it would be hard to wanted accelerants, but none have been found. In fact, but was either not at all or too late, only partially picked or . wanted in unusable samples * Initiative in Memory of Oury Jalloh * * Against the * * _ # _ burning ** _ # _ # Vertuschen_ Verklären_ _ # _ # Verschweigen_ Verhöhnen_ _ # Verfolgen_ * * _ _ * * OURYJALLOH – DASWARMORD *! * further press releases of the initiative: * * opinion of the plaintiff (de): https://initiativeouryjalloh.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/stellungnahme.pdf * * PM August 8 <#_ ftnref1> http://www1.wdr.de/daserste/monitor/sendungen/tod-in-der-polizeizelle-100.html [2] <#_ ftnref2> Prof. Dr. Gerold Kauert / Prof. Dr. Michael Bohnert: “Forensic – toxicological and legal medical expert opinion”, 24.02.2015. [3] <#_ ftnref3> testimony of the then caretaker Wolfgang Grimm before the Landgericht Magdeburg on 19/01/2012. [4] <#_ ftnref4> Opinion _Iain Peck , 15.06.2015_.