Tag: turkish

  • Daily Resistance Assembly #3, November 24

    DAILY RESISTANCE ASSEMBLY24 November 2021 – from 7 pm at Café Karanfil (Weisestr. 3, Neukölln/U-Bahn Boddinstr.) With the third assembly we invite you to join and contribute to the newspaper Daily Resistance. At the Assembly we will introduce the work of the newspaper: How are we organised? What are our tasks? Who do we want…

  • Daily Resistance #8 is out!

    Daily Resistance #8 is out!

    10 pages of stories, statements and testimonies in Turkish, Greek, Urdu, Italian, Russian, English, Farsi, German, and French. The articles will be subsequently published here as single posts in the upcoming weeks. The PDF version can be read and downloaded down below You can order printed copies from January 16th by writing to: dailyresistance@systemli.org

  • Daily Resistance online

    The first pile of newspapers has arrived and can be read/picked up for distribution at Café Karanfil, Mahlower Str 7 in Neukölln. If we run out of stock, grab them at the We’ll come united demo in Hamburg or get hold of your copies by sending a mail to dailyresistance@systemli.org! The online PDF version of…

  • Selber Machen(Kendin Yap) Konferansı Ve 1 Mayıs

    Selber Machen(Kendin Yap) Konferansı Ve 1 Mayıs

    1 Mayıs arefesine denk gelen hafta sonunda, Selber Machen(Kendin Yap) adlı konferans düzenlendi. Mülteci Hareketi olarak biz de bu konferansta standımız ve panelimizle yer aldık. Üç gün süren koferansa katılım oldukça kalabalıktı. Panellerde insanlar oturacak yer bulamadı. Yer bulamayan insanlar koridorlarda dinlediler paneli. Radyo sistemiyle konferans; Almanca, İngilizce ve Yunanca’ya tercüme edildi. Örgütlenme deneyimleri, kadın…

  • 8th March International Women*s Struggle Demo Berlin 16:30, Warschauerstr.

    Polnish Spanish English Hebrew Serbo-Croatian French German Persian Turkish Arabic القوة لجميع النساء*** ندعو جميع النساء* للمشاركة بالمظاهرة النسائية العالمية في تاريخ 8 مارس 2017 في تمام الساعة 16:30 في شارع Warschauer strasse في زاوية شارع Revaler strasse حتى الساعة 18:00 حيث سنكون في Oranienplatz نحن نتمرد ضد النظام! نحن نناضل ونرتب عملنا وحياتنا. نحن…

  • Demonstration against 20th European Police Congres/Demonstration against 20th European Police Congress

    Demonstration against 20th European Police Congres/Demonstration against 20th European Police Congress

      21-22 Şubat 2017 tarihinde düzenlenecek olan 20. Avrupa Polis Kongresi protesto edildi. Düzenlenecek olan Polis kongresinin ana gündemi Avrupa’da genel olarak alınacak güvenlik önlemleri olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu kongre ile Avrupa’daki mülteci, göçmen ve diğer sistem karşıtı hareketlere karşı yeni sınırların ve baskı yasalarının çıkarılması hedeflenmektedir. Kapitalist merkezlerden ihraç edilen silahlarla Avrupa dışındaki bölgelerde sürekli…

  • Daily Resistance is an instrument of organization / Daily resistance gazetesi bir örgütlenme aracidir

    Daily Resistance is an instrument of organization / Daily resistance gazetesi bir örgütlenme aracidir

    text in Turkish DAILY RESISTANCE IS AN INSTRUMENT OF ORGANIZATION Now we are publishing the third issue of our newspaper. We have distributed five thousand copies of its first issue. Local initiatives played an important role in that practice. However, we would like to stress that Daily Resistance is not only about publication and distribution.…


    Turkish GO HOME After it was their turn on the queue , a security which was carrying a walky-talky on his shirt’s pocket told them “ you, you, you and you are going home now”. But Hüsnü was insisting on asking “ but why?” But his questions did not work. Security officer was explaining the…

  • Information-Comic “Stop Deportation” is out now!

    The stop deportation info comic is finished, translated, and ready to spread. You can find it in Arabic, English, Farsi, French, German, Romanes, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish and Turkish here: https://www.oplatz.net/stop-deportation The comic contains useful and important information for people under threat of deportation, but also for people supporting them. Spread it and share the link in your…


    englisch & german below 1 MAYIS MÜCADELE GÜNÜMÜZ 1856 yılında Avustralya’da işçiler, günlük çalışma saatlerinin 8 saate düşürülmesi için eylemler yaptılar. Bir günlük iş bırakma eylemi yaptılar. Eyleme katılım büyük oldu. 1886 yılında Amerikan Emek Federasyonu, günlük 8 saatlik çalışma süresinin 1 Mayıs 1886 yılı itibariyle yasalaştırılması önerisini kabul etti. Chicago’da siyah, beyaz tüm renkten…