Tag: self-organizing

  • Call for open meeting to Oplatz media group

    Call for open meeting to Oplatz media group

    Dear people, As media group from Oplatz we want to invite you to our open meeting every Sunday from 15h to 18h Friesenstr. 6 10965 Berlin U7-Gneisenaustr. As you know we are focused on giving the news about refugee struggles, situation in lagers, initiatives against racism, figths against deportations, for the right to stay, to…

  • Impressions of the expert conference “Protection of Refugees against gender-based Violence”

    text in german by International Women’s Space There are two forms of violence, according to Jennifer Kamau, an activist of International Women’s Space Berlin, a political group. The first form hits people directly and comes from individuals and structures, while the second form occurs when the public looks away and stays silent. The latter is…

  • Schlafplatzorga Vortrag & Küfa

    Schlafplatzorga Vortrag & Küfa

    Liebe Leute, am Donnerstag, 09.02.2017 ist es endlich mal wieder Zeit für die Schlafplatzorga-Küfa, um 19.00 in der Scherer (Schererstraße 8 – Wedding, U-Bahn Linie 9, Nauener Platz). Die monatliche, unvergleichlich leckere Küfa der Schlafplatzorga wird ab jetzt immer einen Vortrags- und Diskussionsteil umfassen! Das Thema der Referentin am 9.2. wird sein “Neue Kriege”. Dazu…

  • Brandenburg – Neuer Erlass zu Opfern von rassistisch motivierter Gewalt?

    Brandenburg – Neuer Erlass zu Opfern von rassistisch motivierter Gewalt?

    Gemeinsame Presseerklärung von International Women’s Space und Women in Exile english Wie alle Gruppen, die in Brandenburg mit Geflüchteten arbeiten, freuen wir uns über den neuen Erlass des Landes Brandenburg zu Personen, die Opfer von rassistische motivierten Gewalttaten wurden und abschiebebedroht sind.¹ Es ist ein erster Schritt, denen ein Bleiberecht zu geben, die von Nazis…


    Turkish GO HOME After it was their turn on the queue , a security which was carrying a walky-talky on his shirt’s pocket told them “ you, you, you and you are going home now”. But Hüsnü was insisting on asking “ but why?” But his questions did not work. Security officer was explaining the…

  • 2nd transnational refugee tour in London

    Freedom of Movement tour London flyer Migrant-led activist group from Oranienplatz in Berlin are now touring the world, or at least some of it. Here to connect the movement across borders, the first stop is London! Gain and share insights and experiences during these events. Where are these places? LARC (London Action Resource Centre): 62…

  • The second issue of >Daily Resistance< is out!

    The second issue of >Daily Resistance< is out!

    Dear people from all over the world, this is the second issue of the newspaper >Daily Resistance< (Read it as a PDF)! It is written by people in the same position like you as so-called refugees who don’t accept their disfranchisement by the German state. They write about their fight and share their opinions to…

  • Das Denkmal für die ermordeten Roma und Sinti Europas in Berlin: Kein Platz für politischen Protest, Platz für Polizeieinsatz

    Statement von alle bleiben Berlin, 24. Mai 2016. Die Polizei räumt kurz nach Mitternacht die Versammlung der Roma, die sich abends dort eingefunden hatten – um gegen ihre Abschiebungen zu protestieren und sich Bleiberechte zu erkämpfen. Familien mit teilweise sehr jungen Babys, Kindern und Jugendlichen aus Norddeutschland waren nach Berlin gekommen, damit ihre Situation von…

  • LOOKA HERE! Magazine, Edition No. 11 (digital version) out now!

      (to read the magazine as a PDF, please click on the cover)

  • Anti Frontex Days 21-23 May 2016

    This year more than ever, we need your support to say NO to the European Union’s migration policies and criminal activities of its border control agency, Frontex. Closing borders and cutting the wealthy Europe off from the countries of South and East – plundered and kept in poverty – aims at preserving inequalities on both…