Tag: Refugees and Digital Self-Organization

  • Refugees & Queers: “Leaving the queer bubble” – PR und Medientraining

    english version below Liebe Interessierte, wir freuen uns, Sie zu unserem Workshop: „Leaving the queer bubble“ – PR und Medientraining im Rahmen des Projekts „Refugees & Queers. Politische Bildung an der Schnittstelle von LSBTTIQ und Flucht / Migration / Asyl“ einzuladen. Die Fortbildung richtet sich an Multiplikator*innen, Bildungsarbeiter*innen und Aktivist*innen, die das Thema „Queer Refugees“…

  • Civil Society 4.0 – Refugees and Digital Self Organization, HKW

    2016, Mar 03, Thu — 2016, Mar 05, Sat  Self-organization has been essential for thousands of refugees arriving in Germany. In the last years, refugee´s organizations have been struggling for their right to stay, to move and to live in dignity. Volunteers and supporters have been engaging to improve the newcomers´ living conditions. Together, refugees,…