Tag: mediawork

  • Refugees & Queers: “Leaving the queer bubble” – PR und Medientraining

    english version below Liebe Interessierte, wir freuen uns, Sie zu unserem Workshop: „Leaving the queer bubble“ – PR und Medientraining im Rahmen des Projekts „Refugees & Queers. Politische Bildung an der Schnittstelle von LSBTTIQ und Flucht / Migration / Asyl“ einzuladen. Die Fortbildung richtet sich an Multiplikator*innen, Bildungsarbeiter*innen und Aktivist*innen, die das Thema „Queer Refugees“…

  • Call for open meeting to Oplatz media group

    Call for open meeting to Oplatz media group

    Dear people, As media group from Oplatz we want to invite you to our open meeting every Sunday from 15h to 18h Friesenstr. 6 10965 Berlin U7-Gneisenaustr. As you know we are focused on giving the news about refugee struggles, situation in lagers, initiatives against racism, figths against deportations, for the right to stay, to…

  • Daily Resistance is an instrument of organization / Daily resistance gazetesi bir örgütlenme aracidir

    Daily Resistance is an instrument of organization / Daily resistance gazetesi bir örgütlenme aracidir

    text in Turkish DAILY RESISTANCE IS AN INSTRUMENT OF ORGANIZATION Now we are publishing the third issue of our newspaper. We have distributed five thousand copies of its first issue. Local initiatives played an important role in that practice. However, we would like to stress that Daily Resistance is not only about publication and distribution.…

  • Refugee Radio Awerness Network

    Refugee Radio Awareness Network is a independent social Initiative Committed to human rights and human development. we believe that encouraging human rights connecting people and cultures through powerful stories will affect positive change in the world by creating and distributing content on radio stations and through digital platforms, inviting people to contribute their voices ,…

  • Mediawork – Blogging Workshop

    Dear activists! The media group kindly invites to the first workshop to train skills in blogging, including how to publish posts and how to improve web presentation on the basis of the oplatz.net website (wordpress). It will take place on Friday, 11th of December, 15 – 17 h in the office in Waldemarstraße 46, Berlin-Kreuzberg.…