Tag: Global Action Day

  • Global Action Day Against Racism 20th of March

    Refugee Club Impulse (RCI) and My Right is Your Right invite you to the CARNIVAL AL-LAJIÌN_AL-LAJIÀAT: Join the Demonstration for the Global Action Day Against Racism on the 20th of March – 12 Noon – Platz der Luftbrücke! Carnival has a longstanding tradition of resistance. It was once a place where societal structures were revealed…

  • 18.12. Global Day of Action

    18.12. Global Day of Action

    18.12. has been the third Global Action Day against racism and for the Rights of Migrants, Refugees and displaced People. Get Inforamtion about this transnational Refugee Uprise: http://globalmigrantsaction.org/ In the morning of 18th the Refugees Activists and Friends from Oranienplatz Protest Camp in Berlin gave an suprising press conference in the eu-house at Brandenburger Tor.…