Tag: detention center


    von NoBordersTeam KIEDY: 12.02.2022 r. GDZIE: KROSNO ODRZAŃSKIE START: 13:30 Chcemy wyrazić solidarność ze wszystkimi osadzonymi w ośrodkach koncentracyjnych. Nie zapomnimy o nich, mimo że władza próbuje zrobić wszystko, by wymazać ich istnienie z publicznej świadomości. Domagamy się: zaprzestania traktowania osób z doświadczeniem migracji jak przestępców; likwidacji ośrodków koncentracyjnych; przyjęcie przez Unię Europejską i Polskę…

  • Border Profiteers in Berlin – Brochure

    von No Border Assembly // website – twitter – facebook This brochure has gathered a list of corporations that profit from deportations, from managing detention centers, from building fences, selling ships, drones or planes patrolling the Mediterranean, subcontracted security guards, providing data collection, border surveillance software, id control mechanisms, racist policy consultation, prison construction and any other form of oppression…

  • Mapping the Revolt

    Mapping the revolt in Italian detention centres. Read here

  • Call for Break Deportation – Refugee Camps Visit

    Currently, many people come to Germany. We claim to welcome all of them as symbolized by the prevalent “Refugees Welcome”. According to German law, however, not all of those who flee their countries because of persecution, war, destruction or escaping disaster, for better living and for freedom of movement or other reasons are allowed to…


    Border Watch: Cultures of Immigration, Detention and Control (Anthropology, Culture and Society) by Alexandra Hall  (Pluto Press: London and New York, 2012).  This book takes an inside look into detention centres and describes in detail everyday encounters  between immigrant/detention  officials and immigrants. Please click here for the  review of this critical book.

  • Hungary: Refugee riot in the closed detention camp Békéscsaba

    Most of the asylum seekers in Hungary are kept in closed camps, forced to wait in detention for the result of their asylum claim. There are also so called “open camps”, where asylum seekers are placed[1]. The decision on whether a refugee will be brought to an open or a closed camp, depends on her…