Tag: Deportationsmaschinerie

  • Border Profiteers in Berlin – Brochure

    von No Border Assembly // website – twitter – facebook This brochure has gathered a list of corporations that profit from deportations, from managing detention centers, from building fences, selling ships, drones or planes patrolling the Mediterranean, subcontracted security guards, providing data collection, border surveillance software, id control mechanisms, racist policy consultation, prison construction and any other form of oppression…

  • Demo Against Border Profiteers, 17. April, 14 Uhr

    von No Border Assembly Every day, companies are profiting from the neocolonial and racist migration regime with its borders, surveillance and deportations. The offices and headquarters of such companies can be found right in the heart of Berlin. Nevertheless, barely anyone draws attention to that, while the German government tries to disguise and hide their…

  • Europe’s Deportation Machine – Human Rights Activists Monitor

    In-depth reportage ZEIT ONLINE in English about the system of mass deportation of refugees in Germany and Europe. ZEIT ONLINE report: http://zeit.de/feature/refugees-in-germany-deportation-flights-laws Interactive: http://www.zeit.de/feature/deportation-refugees-flights-frontex Thousands of refugees risk their lives getting to Europe each day. And many of them won’t ultimately be allowed to stay. The EU has developed a highly efficient deportation machinery, one…

  • Demo am 19.07.2013 um 14 Uhr in Eisenhüttenstadt

    STOPPT DIE DEPORTATIONSMASCHINERIE IN EISENHÜTTENSTADT! SOLIDARITÄT MIT DEN GEFLÜCHTETEN IM HUNGERSTREIK! Gefluechtete, die nach Eisenhuettenstadt kommen werden systematisch kriminalisiert, nur weil sie ihr Menschenrecht auf Asyl wahrnehmen moechten. Sie werden gefoltert auf verschiedenste Art und Weise. Dieses System funktioniert, weil die Polizei, die Ausländerbehörde, das Amtsgericht und die Betreiberfirma BOSS Menschen systematisch von dem Rest…