Tag: berliner Regierung

  • BERLİN’DE 200 MÜLTECİ SOKAĞA ATILDI – 200 Flüchtlinge in Berlin auf die Straße gesetzt

    – auf deutsch weiter unten – – in english further below – BERLİN’DE 200 MÜLTECİ SOKAĞA ATILDI Son birkaç gündür, daha önce senatonun “Oranienplatz’daki direniş çadırlarını yıkın, size kalacak yer vereceğiz daha sonra da oturum vereceğiz” yazılı sahte vaatlerin yazılı olduğu kağıdı imzalayen mültecilerin tamamı polis zoruyla sokağa atılıyor.

  • Berlinerinnen und Berliner bleiben offen und solidarisch

        link to english translation below! english translation of this statement in protest of Berlin governments discriminatory politics against refugees signed by various cultural institutions

  • come and protest!

    (Deutsch Unten) Demonstration Saturday, 12:00 PM From Oranienplatz to the Ohlauer School Enough is enough! We are angry! The politics of Berlin’s Senate are cynical! While Merkel is talking about the costs of residences at the chancelor’s office on 23.10.2014, in Berlin 100 people are being thrown out into the street. Forcefully evicted without warning!…