Mumia Abu-Jamal is a former Black Panther Party spokesman, a supporter of the MOVE organization and an award-winning journalist known internationally as “the voice of the voiceless.” In Germany he was voted an honorary member of the journalists union IG Medien, now part of Ver.di, and has written on issues of racism from the 1992 Rostock Pogrom to the burning to death of Oury Jalloh in a Dresden jail. Mumia is internationally known as America’s death row political prisoner, framed up for the 1981 killing of a Philadelphia police officer despite massive evidence of his innocence, Mumia was sentenced to death explicitly for his political views. International protests have saved Mumia from state legal lynching. Now Mumia is seriously ill, just three months after the death of his comrade Phil Africa, a leader of MOVE, who was also framed for killing a Philadelphia police officer, died in prison of sudden illness. The MOVE organization and all Mumia supporters are calling for international support to Free Mumia and save his live once again.

Below is a recent call distributed to supporters; and two of Mumia’s articles: Outrage in Rostock/ Greueltaten in Rostock on the 1992 Rostock Pogrom which accompanied the first slashing of Asylum rights, and, Death in Cell #5/Tod in Zelle Nr.5, about the Burning death of Oury Jalloh “



The Move Organization and International Concerned Family and Friends Statement On The Current Situation At Hand With Mumia


This government has been trying to murder Mumia for 34 years. The power of this movement stopped his execution in 1995 and 1999, and got him off of death row. Now they’re deliberately trying to murder him through medical neglect and intentional torture. This situation is urgent and couldn’t be more serious. Mumia is currently in a wheelchair, two days ago he couldn’t stand up, his speech is slurred, and he can barely hold a bottle of water. This isn’t just medical neglect, this is a continuation of the premeditated murder that was set in place when Mumia was shot in the chest, was rammed headfirst into a steel pole, and was then railroaded through the courts and onto death row. Just two months ago Phil Africa died under similar suspicious circumstances. We have absolutely no time to waste.

People must treat this as if Mumia’s death warrant has been signed and the execution date is tomorrow, because that’s their intention. They have absolutely no intention of freeing Mumia, and they have no interest in letting him live a long life in prison continuing to be an example of resistance for the world. They want Mumia dead, and if they can do it by medical neglect they will. The only reason Mumia wasn’t executed in 1995, the only reason he was moved off of death row is because the pressure for justice for Mumia was too strong. The only way Mumia is going to live through this attack on his life is if all people step up and immediately demand healthier diet for Mumia and the ability to have outside medical care. We aren’t asking for anything here that hasn’t been done in Pennsylvania prisons before. There are diets in place for people dealing with health problems and they aren’t even giving him that. Since he was prematurely taken from the hospital and put back in the prison where these problems started his blood sugar levels have been rising because they are only giving him foods like pasta that are dangerous with diabetes.

Their intention with all of these side attacks is to distract people from the main point, which is that Mumia is innocent and shouldn’t have served one day in prison in the first place. The sacrifice that Mumia and the MOVE 9 are making, and that Phil and Merle Africa have already given their lives for, is for the benefit of everyone. People must stand up and reciprocate that commitment, today. If you don’t act today his death warrant could be carried out tomorrow.


Mumia Abu-Jamal über Oury Jalloh (Deutsche Übersetzung)


Tod in Zelle Nr.5

Der Flüchtling aus Sierra Leone namens Oury Jalloh verbrannte in seiner Zelle in der deutschen Stadt Dessau am 7.Januar, 2005. Die Polizisten der Station bezeichneten es als Selbstmord. Seine Freunde und Kumpel haben einige bedrohliche Fragen erhoben: WIE kann man selbst seine Hände und Füße zusammenbinden und sich dann mit tödlichem Ausgang in Brand setzen?

Seitdem haben Freunde von Yalloh und antirassistische Organisationen versucht, eine Bewegung gegen rassistische Gewalt zu bilden, die oft vom Staat durchgeführt wird. Besonders gegen afrikanische Flüchtlinge wie Oury Jalloh.

Jalloh war 21 Jahre alt. Und antirassistische Deutsche und Migrantengruppen haben sich organisiert, um einen Röntgenaufnahme von Jallohs Leichnam zu fordern und zu finanzieren, wobei sie feststellten, dass er eine gebrochene Nase und Verletzungen am Mittelohr hatte . Frühere Nachfragen betreffs einer Untersuchung deswegen bei offiziellen Stellen wurden mit der Begründung niedergeschlagen, es wäre nicht nötig.

Und während die Polizisten,die womöglich einen schwarzen Migranten ermordet haben, zu Tode verbrannt in seiner Zelle, höchstwahrscheinlich Straffreiheit bekommen werden, erhalten Aktivisten, die die Schergen angeklagt haben, Klagen wegen Verleumdung.

Für mehr Informationen kontaktiert

Bewahrt Oury Jalloh in Erinnerung !

Aus der Todeszelle Mumia Abu-Jamal





From Death Row This Is Mumia Abu-Jamal

Outrage in Rostock

It’s been a year since the racist outrages of Hoyerswerda, the little East German town where rednecks and skinheads torched refugee shelters, while police stood by, and neighbors applauded. A year later, and the whole of Germany, East and West, is gripped in a growing age of Ausländerfeindlichkeit: political exploitation of hostility against foreigners, called “auslanders” in German.

The images from the harbor town of Rostock, of crowds of neo-fascist youths torching the homes of Vietnamese families, again while cops stand by and neighbors clap approval, proves that Hoyerswerda was nothing but an ugly beginning to a national campaign of nakedly racist and anti-refugee repression. Politicians, eager to expand their constituencies, have almost totally refused to condemn the carnage, terrorism and arson, opting instead to echo anti-refugee concerns, thereby fueling a fireball of anti-foreign hatred. Their only concerns were for Germany’s “image abroad,” not the human concerns of safety, of personal integrity, of families terrorized by fires in the night.

One district politician justified the pogrom by demeaning the refugees as “too loud, too dirty and too lazy.” Others have campaigned for the repeal of Section 16 of the FRG [Federal Republic of Germany] Constitution, the guarantee of asylum clause.

In some respects, the burning of Rostock is a psychic descendant of Bitburg, where the U.S. Commander in Chief, then President Reagan, saluted the Nazi/SS dead, and by so doing gave imperial legitimacy to the neo-Nazi movement in Germany. His visit was a precursor to the celebrations of the Waffen-SS at the war cemetery in Halbe, south of Berlin, in November 1991. The official government said they were going to prevent the gathering, but, in the end, did nothing, just as in Hoyerswerda, and in Rostock.

In Rostock, not only did the cops stand idly by, while fascistic mobs firebombed a Vietnamese shelter, but firefighters did little better as they were unable to quell the flames of destruction.

The state’s inability or unwillingness to act, however, did not carryover to German anti-fascists, who, days later, as they staged a counterdemo in Rostock, were met by 4,000 cops who held up over 5,000 anti-fascist demonstrators for seven hours at police checkpoints on the highways.

The delay, however, seemed to work in their favor as over 20,000 people, from anti-fascist and autonomous groups, trade unionists, the Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS), the Greens, immigrant groups, and other organizations, staged a demo on August 29 to denounce the Rostock outrages.

This, despite the slanted press coverage that painted the antis as “violent leftist mobs,” the police intimidation and attempted obstruction, the political denunciations that fell only on those who dared stand against the terrorism, not the terrorists themselves. As the “antifa” movement grows, so too does the reign of state-supported hatred that struck in the village of Kretzin, Brandenburg state, where another shelter was molotoved, and burned down.


In the streets and alleys of reunited Germany the future of Europe and much of the world is being forged.


Time will tell whether it will be a future of promise, or of pogroms.

24 September 1992
