Germany is entering Fascism? Worsening of Asylum laws again.

In the last days, the mass media is making propaganda about welcoming culture in Germany, By showing photos of German people giving cookies and toys to the refugees/people who are ariving to Germany. These photos depict in itself the underneath racist image of society in which the superior white people are helping inferior people of color / refugees. All in all the media reports just finish in the train station and doesn‘t continue of what will happen to these people. Because the reality of living as a person of color / refugee in Germany is a everyday fight with a big machinery of racism. And this is the image that should not get published on German/white mass media.

The new changes in law take away the very basic human rights from people, e.g. the right to have a shelter, the right to move freely, the right to work, etc…

Playing with the numbers, the politicians and mass media claim continiously that 800,000 people will apply for asylum in Germany, but there is no sign of how many of them actually will grant the asylum? What’s going to happen to them after applying to asylum? And how long will it take until a person receive Asylum? Our reality has shown that just a very small percentage of people actually grant asylum in Germany and the process takes long some time more than 4-5 years…

_1__Channel_4_News_-_Refugees_cheered_after_arriving_in_GermanyAnd now, With the nice image of white people which are welcoming refugees and after making the fear of having so many new asylum seekers in Germany, The government is passing big changes in the Asylum law which make the life of asylum seekers in Germany even harder. The new changes in law take away the very basic human rights from people, e.g. the right to have a shelter, the right to move freely, the right to work, etc…

The constitutional court said on 18th, July 2012 that the human dignity (1st article in the consitution) cannot be relativized by migration politics, and with these words forced the government to increase the money payments to asylum seekers up to the official „minimum for the existence“. Now the government wants to cut that again.

Here is the summary of the new law draft:
1) Dublin and Duldung: making people homeless and illegalized

The minister for the interior wants to make refugees homeless: at least
100 000 people would be affected (people with Dublin case and people
with Duldung who don’t „cooperate enough“ for their deportation). The
ministry wants to completely cut the social services for accomodation,
food, hygiene, clothes and personal needs. At the same time, the
affected ones should be prohibited from getting work of any kind. The
only thing they should get is a minimum of food, train ticket (to go
„back“) and medical treatment. They want to abolish Duldung for those
who didn’t cooperate for their own deportation.
> changes § 1a Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz
> § 60b Aufenthaltsgesetz new

The people should be kicked out of the accomodations into the streets,
which practically means they get illegalized. Only in Berlin it may be
about 8000 affected people. This would also undermine the „regulation on
the right to stay“ that has just been created for people who have
Duldung already for 6 or 8 years (in force since 1st of August 2015).

2) Longer stay in first lager, payment in items instead of money

Furthermore, the forced stay in the first lager after registration
should get longer: from 3 months to 6 months, and the „pocket money“
should get replaced with payment in items (for example WLAN, bus tickets
etc.). Asylum seekers from „secure countries of origin“ should stay in
these first lagers permanently.
> changes § 47 Asylverfahrensgesetz
> changes § 3 Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz

3) Remand pending deportation and airport proceedings

The imprisoning of asylum seekers and of the airport proceedings should
get widened.
> changes § 18a Asylverfahrensgesetz, § 18b Asylverfahrensgesetz new, §
33a – d Asylverfahrensgesetz new

4) More „secure countries of origin“

Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro should be declared „secure countries of
> Attachment II of § 29a Asylverfahrensgesetz

5) Making deportation more efficient

Deportations should not be announced beforehand anymore
> changes § 59 Aufenthaltsgesetz

6) Further harassments

The responsibility for the costs of stay, on the side of the inviting
person in case of immigration with visa, should stay permanently on the
inviting person, even if the immigrated person has already been accepted
as refugee.
> § 68a paragraph 2 Aufenthaltsgesetz

7) Background info

There are many more additional tightenings of these laws. The reason for
this very big package of changes is the implementation of EU
regulations. But the fact that it contains these worsening parts, is not
due to the EU regulations, but entirely coming from the german ministry
for the interior.

8) Three big distribution centers

The government is also planning three big distribution centers for
asylum seekers:

* In Brandenburg in Selchow, in the exhibition halls of Berlin and
Brandenburg, lying at the airport BER between old and new runway:, also!5230611/

* In Lüneburger Heide on a location of the german army near
Fallingbostel they want to accomodate up to 6000 people and are already
thinking about builing railway cooections to this place:

* In the former autonomous US settlement „Patrick Henry Village“ near
Heidelberg, which is completely surrounded by fences, they are planning
a center for up to 10 000 people:,-Patrick-Henry-Village-als-Aufnahmezentrum-Heidelberg-akzeptiert-und-applaudiert-_arid,127265.html



Press release PRO ASYL (german)

Download law draft of the government (german) (PDF 6 MB)