Erklärung zum Sexismus und Rassismus des International Women Space

(in the occupied school in Ohlauerstraße)

Berlin, 29.07.2013

As you all know, we are a refugee movement, and because refugees are not welcome in Germany, we have been under constant pressure for as long as we have occupied Oranienplatz and the school in order to make our demands visible.

We repeat here our main demands: Freedom of movement to all, abolish Residenzpflicht, close all lagers and stop deportation!

Although we have clear demands, we are here today to speak about sex, rape and crime associated to the black people. Because black is the colour of crime.

Schwarzegeld, Schwarzarbeit, Schwarzfahren , Schwarzkopf and so on and so forth.

We are taking this opportunity to say that we condemn all kinds of violence against women in the strongest sense of the word. That we refuse to be attacked in our dignity as humans in order to satisfy an stereotype connected to the black people and the foreigners in general. A racist stereotype that insists on denying our dignity as human beings and connect us simplistically to criminal activities.

The women space was created last December in the occupied school to empower us refugee women. It is a space where we exchange experiences and ideas, where we organise workshops, learn the german language, support all women in need, not only refugee women. And all that we do in an environment that is supposedly full of crimes.

How could that be? How would we be working there for almost 7 months if it was a place full of crime and criminals?We repeat: we condemn any violence against women! We are fighting racism and sexism and we are doing it together with our fellow refugees friends living in Oranienplatz and in the school.

Sexism and racism are everywhere in the world and we have to fight it. Our movement is aware of it and stands in solidarity with all women who experience sexism and sexual violence.

Our movement is ahead of the usual lousy treatment of sexism because we are building up structures to support those affected.

We are not here to defend any criminals!

We are here to fight the criminal system!