Category: Uncategorized

  • Lampedusa Migration Network in Manchester

    “The Symposium served as a platform to discuss current research, policies and narratives on the timely and critical  issues of migration, asylum and detention in Lampedusa. The Symposium’s key aim and point of success was bringing together UK and international academics from Postcolonial, International and Visual Studies, refugees, Lampedusa-based NGO representatives, journalists, activists, and the wider public,…

  • Welcome 2 Stay Treffen in Berlin am 04. September

    Über 800 Menschen haben an unserer ersten Zusammenkunft vom 10.-12. Juni in Leipzig teilgenommen. Wir waren viele, aus vielen Orten, aus verschiedenen Organisationen und Initiativen: Selbstorganisationen von Geflüchteten und Migrant*innen, Willkommensinitiativen, linken und antirassistischen Gruppen, Parteien und zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen. Nach drei Tagen intensiven Austauschs und Diskussion haben wir im Abschlussplenum mit breiter Zustimmung beschlossen: Welcome2Stay…

  • Women* Space is Everywhere! – Radioliveshow & Discussion

    come and join ‘Women* Space is Everywhere! – Radioliveshow & Discussion’ June 12th, 5pm-10pm, Waldemarstr. 46, 10999 Berlin about: 3 months ago refugee and migrant women* occupied the main stage of the International Refugee Conference in Hamburg. We want to talk about the motivation behind this political intervention and its consequences. What is refugee women’s*…

  • ROMA DAYS BERLIN Wir Sind Hier – Berlin Mahnmal Für Die Ermordeten Sinti Und Roma

    ROMA DAYS BERLIN PRESSEMITTEILUNG Berlin, 22. 05.2016 Wir sind hier – Berlin  Mahnmal für die ermordeten Sinti und Roma Einigen von uns droht die Abschiebung. Andere sollten abgeschoben werden. Mit den Gesetzesänderungen der letzten Monate ist die Situation für uns sehr schlecht geworden. Denjenigen, die in dieser Zeit neu nach Deutschland kommt, um hier Schutz…

  • Crowdfunding: Call for support the “Refugee Movement journey to Greece”

    Crowdfunding: Call for support the “Refugee Movement journey to Greece”

    We are a group of 13 people from different countries, almost all living in Germany. We speak a lot of different languages, e.g. Arabic, English, Farsi, Dari, French, German, Kurdish, Pashto, Urdu, and Turkish. Most of us met during the self-organized refugee struggles in Bavaria, or in other anti-racist contexts. Most members of our collective…

  • Resistance in Chios island (Greece) against the deportations of new Turkey-Europe agreement

    Resistance in Chios island (Greece) against the deportations of new Turkey-Europe agreement

    "No deport": today's protest against their deportation to turkey of #refugeesGr in #vial #chios #azadi — lalil (@trotzdemdoch) April 3, 2016   one police bus with riot police arrived at #chios harbour now — lalil (@trotzdemdoch) April 4, 2016   Another bus with refugees arrived, police fencing off the area of harbour where they…

  • Interview with Small Girl in Idomeni

    Interview with Small Girl in Idomeni

    A story of a small girl. She spent six years of her life at borders between Syria, Turkey, Kurdistan and in Greece. Please note: There are English subtitles if you don’t understand Arabic. You have to switch them on.      

  • LAIL’S DONATION POT: Party at Fischladen in Berlin, 25. March 2016

    GIVE FOR A PATH TO FREEDOM AND SAFETY. A MATTER OF SURVIVAL. [Syria –> europa] . we need to be fast. Our friends/ A mother, a father and a baby/ are trying to escape the danger. Wanted for not supporting the massacre that surround them, wanted for refusing to serve in the army of Bashar…