Category: Lager watch

  • Wir fordern eine menschliche Behandlung für Frauen und andere Geflüchtete

    Wir fordern eine menschliche Behandlung für Frauen und andere Geflüchtete

    English || Srpski || Farsi || Arabic Liebes LAF, liebe Frau Breitenbach und andere Verantwortliche für Flüchtlingsangelegenheiten in Berlin! Am 20. Mai fand ein heiteres Fest mit dem Namen “Yalla! Lass feiern!” im ZK/U statt. Das Fest wurde von verschiedenen selbst-organisierten Initiativen, die mit Asylbewerber*innen und Geflüchteten zusammenarbeiten, ins Leben gerufen. Wir, die weiblichen Bewohnerinnen…

  • Hauptpunkte der Kritik der Lagerproteste Brienner Straße 16 / Berlin-Wilmersdorf

    Hauptpunkte der Kritik der Lagerproteste Brienner Straße 16 / Berlin-Wilmersdorf

    Seit über einer Woche haben mehr als 80 Menschen, allesamt Familien, die Bewohner*innen der Brienner Straße 16 in Berlin-Wilmersdorf, das Lager aus Protest gegen die unmenschlichen Bedingugen vor Ort verlassen. Sie entschieden sich draußen vor dem Lager zu bleiben, bis sie einen neuen Ort zum Bleiben bekommen. Die meisten Probleme des Lagers, das vom Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund…

  • We wont return to that camp: Police wants to evict the Brienner Str Protest!

    We wont return to that camp: Police wants to evict the Brienner Str Protest!

    — Deautsch unten — After six days of protest, the administration of the district in Berlin wants to end the protest, this morning they took all tents  but we want to stay in the street with our children. We need someone to register our protest! There is an urgent need of support, if possible bring…

  • Police wants to evict the Brienner Str Protest, urgent support needed

    Police wants to evict the Brienner Str Protest, urgent support needed

    After six days of protest, the administration of the district in Berlin wants to end the protest, this morning they took all sleeping bags and tents  but people want to stay in the street with their children. There is an urgent need of support, if possible bring covers, sleeping bags and anything warm to be…

  • At Brienner Str Lager, people have said enough is enough #Berlin #LMG

    At Brienner Str Lager, people have said enough is enough #Berlin #LMG

    In the last days, the life in the Lager at Brienner Str. 16, 10713 Berlin, has become unsustainable. Is well known that the conditions of the lagers of Berlin are always bad, there are always with problems with health, food, mistreatment of security hired by the responsible of the lager, hygienem, etc… Now in lager…

  • Join the protest in front of the lager in Briennerstr

    Join the protest in front of the lager in Briennerstr

    Hi, some people don’t wanna come back to their camp and thay strike in front of it. They are single and family and they need some tents and … The adress is : Brienner Str. 16, 10713 Berlin According to the photos, there appears to be huge bed bug problem. We were told that they…

  • Complaint letter about food in Lager at Niedstr 1-2 12159 #Berlin #LMG

    Complaint letter about food in Lager at Niedstr 1-2 12159 #Berlin #LMG

    Letter received by Lager Mobilisation Group – Berlin Dear all, In Soziale Initiative Niederlausitz e.V. Notunterkunft Niedstr 1-2 12159 Berlin, there is a huge problem with food. Women complained to administration 100 times but they do not  listen. Last month a woman tried to kill herself because of being desperate that the food is bad…

  • Yemek Haktır / Essen ist ein Recht

    Bizler Halberstadt kampında yasayan mültecileriz. Bütün mülteci kamplarında olduğu gibi yaşadığımız bu kampta da yemekler çok kötü. Yetişkinler olarak bizler ve çocuklarımız bu yemekleri yiyememekteyiz. Dağıtılan bazı gıdaların son kullanma tarihi, verilen tarihten iki ya da üç gün sonra bitmekte. Karnımızı cocuklarımızla birlikte doyurabileceğimiz saglıklı yemekler tüketmek istiyoruz. Bu yüzden bir dilekçe yazıp yetkililere ilettik.…

  • How does cleaning the Lager toilet for 80 Cents per hour integrate you into the society? #modernslavery

    How does cleaning the Lager toilet for 80 Cents per hour integrate you into the society? #modernslavery

    INTERVIEW WITH AN ACTIVIST FROM WOMEN IN EXILE WIE: We hearing that they are forcing people to work in the Lagers, do you have any idea or experience about this? A:Yes that is very true. They are forcing people to work in the Lagers and I am one of the victims of this policy. They…

  • International Women’s Day with Women in Exile at Eisenhüttestadt

    International Women’s Day with Women in Exile at Eisenhüttestadt

    It was 8th of March 2017, the day was still more like a winter day, gray, cold, but at least it didn’t rain. Women in exile had done the call to celebrate the International Women’s Day in Eisenhüttenstadt . We would go together by train. Meeting time was around 10am, meeting place was Alexanderplatz. When…